What Happens When You Stop Taking Mounjaro?

Last reviewed
December 18, 2024
Reviewed by
Alistair Murray
Next review
December 18, 2025
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Have you reached your weight loss goals and want to know how to stop taking Mounjaro? Whether you want to know how long Mounjaro takes to leave your system or what effects to expect when you stop taking Mounjaro, read on to find out everything you need to know.

How does Mounjaro work in the body?

Mounjaro (clinical name Tirzepatide) works by stimulating two hormone receptors: glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). GLP-1 helps to regulate blood glucose levels, suppressing your appetite and slowing down the emptying of the stomach to keep hunger at bay. GIP supplements the effects of GLP-1 by additionally regulating the energy balance in your brain and fat cells.

Do you have to take Mounjaro forever?

No, you don’t have to take Mounjaro forever. Mounjaro is safe for long-term use and most effective when used this way- and should be taken until your weight loss goals have been reached. Research shows that Mounjaro reaches its prime efficacy between 18 and 24 months.  

When should you stop taking Mounjaro?

How long you need to take Mounjaro for weight loss will depend on how your body tolerates and responds to Tirzepatide. You and your physician will have decided upon your weight loss goals before you begin taking Mounjaro. Once you have reached these goals, you may decide to reduce or maintain your dose. It’s important to do this under the guidance of one of our pharmacists to ensure that your weight remains within a healthy range.  

What happens when you stop taking Mounjaro?

When you stop taking Mounjaro, the medication’s action at the GLP-1 and GIP hormone receptor will no longer be regulating your appetite levels, and they are therefore likely to return to pre-treatment levels. As a result of this, you may experience increased appetite and weight regain.  

It’s important to continue eating a balanced diet and maintaining a regular exercise regime when you stop taking Mounjaro to limit these effects.

Can I stop taking Mounjaro cold turkey?

To stop taking Mounjaro ‘cold turkey’ would mean you’d abruptly stop taking the medication, rather than gradually reducing the dose over time. Although you can do this, it’s not recommended as you would increase the likelihood of experiencing uncomfortable side effects. Always consult with our clinical team if you’d like to reduce your dose or come off Mounjaro. They will be able to help you manage a smooth and safe transition off the medication.

When does Mounjaro stop working?

Mounjaro has a half-life of 5 days, meaning its efficacy is reduced by 50% 5 days after taking a dose. This means that, depending on your regular dosage, it can take up to 30 days for Mounjaro to fully leave your system.

While using Mounjaro, many patients experience a reduction in ‘food noise,’ meaning that their daily routines are no longer dominated by cravings. During this period, it is crucial to establish and maintain new eating and exercise habits to ensure that these behaviours persist and so that you can successfully maintain your goal body weight after you’ve stopped taking your medication.

For more information on what to expect when taking Mounjaro, check out our handy guide.

Created & reviewed by:
Alistair Murray
Chief Pharmacist
Last reviewed:
December 18, 2024
Next review:
December 18, 2025
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