Winter weight loss: how to avoid weight gain in the colder months

Last reviewed
February 27, 2025
Reviewed by
Hazel Shore
Next review
November 20, 2025

As the temperatures drop and the nights draw in, winter and weight gain often go hand in hand.  

If you’ve been on a health journey for a while, you know it can be hard to stick to a winter weight loss plan. With the colder months come Christmas and all its associated goodies, social plans and indulgent treats. Not only that, with the sun setting at 4 pm, it can be hard to find the motivation to head out and exercise. We get it. It can be so much easier to stay snuggled up in hibernation mode. But with just a few tweaks, you can stay motivated, on track, and feeling good in both mind and body throughout the darkest, coldest months of the year. Here’s our advice.

1. Get outside for a walk during daylight

It sounds simple, but  even if it’s chilly, getting outside during the day for a walk will get your endorphins flowing, your heart pumping and can help boost your mood and energy levels. Walking is often overlooked in favour of more vigorous forms of cardiovascular exercise, but it’s a great way to maintain a healthy weight as it’s the most accessible form of exercise for most people no matter your budget.

2. Make those hearty meals even healthier

When it’s cold and dark outside and you want to feel cosy, nothing beats a bowl of something warm and filling. The good news is that there are so many ways you can make hearty meals using whole ingredients that don’t inhibit your weight loss goals.  

Why not try to make your plate as colourful as possible? Different colours of vegetables carry different nutrients, so the wider variety you eat, the more nutrient-dense your dishes will be. Adding vegetables to your meals also bulks them out, keeping you fuller for longer. Leafy greens like spinach and kale can be added to most sauce-based dishes to boost your vitamin and mineral intake, and seasonal veggies like squash, carrots and leeks are all at their most delicious in the winter months.

Whole grains and pulses such as brown rice, lentils and beans are great sources of complex carbohydrates and fibre that will keep you fuller for longer and release energy slowly throughout the day. High fibre foods such as beans also support a healthy gut.

3. Stay active indoors

Lacing up your trainers for a run in the cold or dragging yourself to the gym in the dark can be a grim prospect and defintiely not for everyone. Luckily there are many ways to get active without leaving your lovely warm home.

Whether you can manage an online class, walking on the spot or through your home, or simply lifting some household items, there are heaps of fitness apps that offer at-home exercise plans. We love Active 10, Couch to 5K and Fiit.

There’s also a lot of free content available on major social media platforms, from bodyweight strength training to Pilates, so you can get fit for less. Skipping ropes, resistance bands, and even tins from your cupboard are all low-cost additions to an at-home fitness setup that can keep you active while on your weight loss journey. Be sure to watch exercises from a qualified Personal Trainer only.

4. Focus on slow and steady weight loss or maintenance

It can be tempting to try and amp up your weight loss over winter, but it’s important to set yourself small, achievable goals. Whether you’re implementing healthier lifestyle habits alongside weight loss medications like Mounjaro, or you’re focusing on diet and exercise with a long-term weight loss goal in mind, it’s important to think of it as a marathon, not a sprint.  

Yes, you might have one too many pigs in blankets on Christmas day, or an extra festive chocolate here and there, but if you focus on overall health and stick to beneficial lifestyle changes, a little indulgence shouldn’t impact your long-term weight loss journey.

If you’re worried about not seeing the number on the scales go down over the Christmas period, shift your focus to weight maintenance. If you’re eating and drinking differently from your usual routine, allowing for a treat or two can help alleviate the pressure you might feel when faced with a table full of your festive favourites.

Winter weight loss can feel like an uphill battle, but committing to even one small step can make a big difference, helping you feel happier and healthier during the colder months. By focusing on simple daily changes now, you'll be ready to embrace your healthiest year yet.

If you're already using Mounjaro to support your weight loss journey with Phlo Clinic, keep an eye on your email for our monthly webinar invites. Each session covers a unique topic to help you succeed in reaching your goals.

Created & reviewed by:
Hazel Shore
Obesity Specialist Dietitian
Last reviewed:
February 27, 2025
Next review:
November 20, 2025
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