If you’re wondering whether a sandwich has too many carbohydrates to be healthy or help with weight loss, the good news is that it can be a balanced meal. What truly makes a difference nutritionally is both your choice of bread and the ingredients you add to your sandwich.
So, how can a sandwich be a balanced meal?
- Firstly, choose a complex carbohydrate. For example, whole grain bread which provides carbohydrates that give you steady energy and are rich in fibre, helping keep you regular. If you're not a fan of bread, you can opt for one of the alternatives listed below.
- Next, add a lean source of protein and some salad or non-starchy vegetables.
- Finally, include a small portion of healthy fats.
- Serve with a portion of fruit for added fibre and a sweet ending, if you'd like.
How to create a healthy sandwich
To help you create the ultimate balanced lunch, we’ve created this simple formula below to help you build a healthy sandwich, without compromising on taste:

For a vegan option, try hummus on oatcakes topped with mixed seeds, served with crudités like peppers and cucumber, and a pear on the side. For a vegetarian option, try a grilled tofu and seeded wrap with pesto, lettuce, and tomato, paired with an apple. Alternatively, you could enjoy a chicken and avocado sandwich with some chopped carrots and grapes on the side.

This formula, also known as the T Plate model, is the method we teach at Phlo Clinic to help our patients create balanced meals. This model can be applied to any meal and emphasises including a source of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, plenty of salad or non-starchy vegetables or fruit, and a small serving of healthy fats.
Top Tip: If you don’t like cold salad in the winter or struggle to digest uncooked vegetables, try making homemade soup with cooked vegetables, which are easier to digest, and remember to add lentils for a protein boost.
If you use dressings like mayonnaise, opt for a low-fat version, which is much lower in calories and fat than the regular kind. Alternatively, you could try low-fat Greek yoghurt as a healthier substitute.
Ultimately, don’t be afraid of the humble sandwich. It’s easy to prepare, offers endless possibilities, is portable and satisfying, and can help you on your weight loss journey.