Treatment update: Mounjaro 2.5mg KwikPen expiry date

Last reviewed
August 5, 2024
Reviewed by
Dennis Ouko
Next review
August 5, 2024
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Explore everything you need to know about the changes to the expiry dates for certain batches of the Mounjaro 2.5mg KwikPen. Understand what this might mean for you and your weight loss treatment.

We’ve been notified by the manufacturer of Mounjaro about an expiry date extension to the Mounjaro 2.5mg KwikPen. Find out everything you need to know about this change and what it might mean for you and your weight loss journey with Phlo Clinic.

1. What is the change and how will you let me know my order is affected?

‘Eli Lilly and Company’ are the manufacturer of the Mounjaro 2.5mg KwikPen. After obtaining the regulatory approval of the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), together they have agreed to extend the shelf life of the product from 9 months to 14 months. This means pens with the batch numbers D720751 and D720957 have been extended from an expiration date of 09/2024 to a new date of 02/2025.

When you place an order for the Mounjaro 2.5mg KwikPen, we’ll tell you about this change at the point of order (at the end of your online consultation). We’ll also remind you about this in your treatment approval email and we’ll send a copy of the official Eli Lilly letter with your order. The letter outlines the expiry date extension in full detail.  

2. What do the dates mean?

Medicine expiry dates are slightly different from the ones we are used to seeing on food items. The date is shown in a MM/YYYY format. The MM part refers to the month and means that the medicine is safe to use up until the last day of that month. The YYYY part refers to the year that a medicine is safe to use up until. If a medicine is dated as 02/2025, this means it is safe to use up until the last day of the month of February 2025.

3. Is this medication safe to use?

Yes. Before a medication is issued an expiry date extension, there is a formal process that takes place between the manufacturer (in this case Eli Lilly) and the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency) - the Government agency responsible for this. For an extension to be approved it must be evidenced that there is no effect on patient safety or medication efficacy (how well it performs). Phlo Clinic has no part in this process and is not able to change the expiry dates of the medications it dispenses.

4. Why does the pen have the old date on it if the date has been changed?

The change to the expiry date was made after the affected batches were manufactured. To ensure a good supply of the medication is available to everyone who needs it, Eli Lilly aren’t recalling the pens to add the new date to them. Instead, they have supplied an official letter confirming the details of the change and this will be clearly placed in any orders that contain pens from the affected batches.

5. Will other weight loss service providers be affected?

Yes. Any clinical provider who has Mounjaro 2.5mg KwikPen supplies from the specified batches will also be affected by these changes. Remember, the expiry date changes are agreed between Eli Lilly and the MHRA only – weight loss service providers cannot make changes to medicine expiry dates.

Helpful links

Understanding expiry dates – our Weight Loss Help Centre article

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Created & reviewed by:
Dennis Ouko
Superintendent Pharmacist
Last reviewed:
August 5, 2024
Next review:
August 5, 2024
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