Hair loss treatments
Age-related hair loss in men is normal and isn’t usually anything to worry about – but it can be upsetting. If you’re worried, we might be able to help.
Age-related hair loss in men is normal and isn’t usually anything to worry about – but it can be upsetting. If you’re worried, we might be able to help.
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Oral tablet
It’s important to take your treatment as directed. Make sure you read our summary below and read the Patient Information Leaflet that comes with your treatment.
Finasteride is used to treat hair loss caused by male pattern baldness.
Take one tablet daily with or without food. For treatment to be effective, you must continue to take the tablet daily.
Finasteride can cause mild rashes, reduced sex drive and erection problems. More serious side effects include low mood, depression and breast changes.
Pregnant women should not handle finasteride tablets, especially if crushed or broken, due to the risk of absorption and subsequent risks to male foetuses (abnormalities of external genitalia).
Hair loss can occur on any part of the body, and is simply the partial or complete absence of hair from areas on the body where it normally grows. Hair loss can affect men of all ages. Although hair loss has different causes and contributing factors, dihydrotestosterone - also known as DHT - is thought to be a leading cause in men.
The most common symptoms in male-pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) are characterised by a receding hairline accompanied by thinning of the hair on the temples and crown. This type of baldness is often hereditary and will affect around 50% of all men by the age of 50.
Preventing hair loss can sometimes be out of our control.
Genetic factors can mean that individuals are pre-disposed to losing their hair as they age, whilst others still may lose their hair slowly or not at all.
The best approaches to preventing hair loss early are:
Not subjecting your hair to constant or extreme heating or drying procedures.
Leading a healthier lifestyle, by getting plenty of sleep and exercise.
Managing stress better, where possible.
Being mindful about over-styling and the products you use. Some styles require the hair to be pulled or tied tightly. This can lead to hair loss if done on a daily basis.
Washing your hair regularly using a mild shampoo and avoid brushing when the hair is wet.
Avoiding drying your hair vigorously with a towel. Instead, try gently patting the hair dry.
Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet. A healthy body is more likely to have healthy, stronger hair.
Brush the hair using a soft bristled comb or brush.
Two out of every three men in the UK will experience male pattern baldness to some extent.
Family history can be a strong indicator of your chances of losing your hair. Hair loss tends to be linked to the mother’s side of the family, so you are most likely to lose your hair at a similar age to your maternal grandfather.
Hair loss can be a difficult subject.
Some individuals do not accept their own hair loss for many years, often because hair loss tends to occur slowly and the symptoms can go largely unnoticed.
In general, you or someone else will notice that your hairline has receded or that your hair has thinned. A strong indicator is if hair is coming out in the shower or on your pillow.
Finasteride 1mg tablets is a clinically approved medication that treats hair loss in men by blocking DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone responsible to cause male patterned baldness.
Finasteride will block DHT attacking the hair follicles.
Results are usually seen between 3-6 months of taking the tablet.
If you stop taking the Finasteride, your hair loss will return.
It is easier to reverse symptoms of hair loss when treatment is started earlier. It is advised to consult a specialist as soon as you notice significant hair loss.
Delaying treatment may result in an increased difficulty in minimising or hiding the symptoms.
It is difficult to determine the extent of hair loss on a case-by-case basis. In general, men who experience some form of hair loss early in life will most likely become bald.
Those who experience hair loss later in life will most likely still have some form of hair in old age.
For men, the first signs of hair loss tend to occur between the ages of 25-35. In rare cases, it can start in the teenage years.
Whilst there is a correlation between stress and hair loss, the effects of hair loss following a stressful event are normally reversible. Medication can work to slow down the volume of hair lost.
Nearly everyone will experience hair loss at some point in their life, particularly as we age.
If you are concerned about the amount of hair you are losing, it’s important to raise these concerns with your GP.
Choosing Phlo Clinic means you’re in control of your healthcare. No more dreaded busy tone or long waiting lists – we’ve got you covered.
To make sure you can safely take your preferred treatment, complete our questionnaire which takes approx 3 mins.
Our prescribing pharmacists review and individually assess your treatment suitability using their extensive knowledge and clinical experience.
Once approved and dispensed, we’ll securely deliver your treatment anywhere you need using our free Royal Mail Tracked 24 option.
Choosing Phlo Clinic means you’re in control of your healthcare. No more dreaded busy tone or long waiting lists – we’ve got you covered.
To make sure you can safely take your preferred treatment, complete our questionnaire which takes approx 3 mins.
Our prescribing pharmacists review and individually assess your treatment suitability using their extensive knowledge and clinical experience.
Once approved and dispensed, we’ll securely deliver your treatment anywhere you need using our free Royal Mail Tracked 24 option.
Fully GPhC certified
Our expert prescribing pharmacists are specially trained to review, consult and provide medications online. Your healthcare journey is in safe hands.
Our services are delivered by a team of dedicated pharmacists, prescribers and clinicians.